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Q: How long does a dog's heart take to be stopped when he is euthanized?
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How long does it take for your mind to shut down after you have stopped breathing and your heart has stopped beating?

It depends on why your heart and lungs stopped; there are clinical cases of people being revived thrity minutes or more after "drowning." In general, however, four minutes after the heart stops, the brain dies of oxygen deprivation.

What effects would there be on your body if your heart stopped?

Your heart would no longer pump blood to your brain and other vital organs. If you heart stops too long you could die.

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the oil pump is what pumps the oil, the equivalent of your heart and blood, if your heart stopped how long b4 you die?????

How do they put dogs down at animal shelters?

Putting dogs down is a last resort and it only happens if dogs have no chance of getting a home or the shelter is overcrowded and they feel that this dog/cat has been here too long it will be euthanized or put to sleep it is painless and it is usually done by the dog putting on fa mask and they will put a gaseous drug into it and the dog will breathe it in and go to sleep

How long can a chihuahua live with heart failure?

Dogs can live with congestive heart failure. Dogs can live a few years if the condition is treated properly with medications and diuretics.

Can you come back to life after your heart has stopped for 7 hours?

Some drowning victims usually children have been brought back after a couple of hours but not 7. I believe a persons heart may have been stopped for that long during surgery, but they have been on a bypass machine so they were not dead even though their heart was stopped. After 7 hours, you would be dead and even if by some chance the body was re animated, the brain would be dead.

How long does a dog stay at a pound before it is killed?

In high kill animal shelters, the dogs are kept for a maximum of 9 days before they are euthanized. they give a 9 day frame either for the rightful owner to claim the animal back or to see if it can be adopted. Sadly, most of the animals are euthanized. Especially, pregnant dogs and small puppies are euthanized right away. They have absolutely no chance of survival in these shelters.

How long after your dog has stopped bleeding before she can mix with other dogs?

It's menstrual bleeding and it lasts about the same amount of time as humans. If you're not breeding her, have her spayed.

When you are brain dead how long does the heart stops?

Your Brain will function for at least 6 to 7 minutes after your heart has stopped.

How long was Joseph Stalin's longest standing ovation?

6 days. comrade Stalin had anyone who stopped clapping killed on the spot. the last person who kept clapping was mauled by dogs.

How large is a dog's heart?

The size of a dogs heart will vary greatly with the size of the dog.

How long do bishon dogs live?

Bishon's usually live about 15 years but I have known some to die at 9 if they have a medical condition like a heart murmur.