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A mother GSD will keep her puppies until the owner takes them away. If no one does, it will take longer, but after a few months or so, eventually the puppies will learn to function without their mother - and a time would come when the mother wouldn't want them around, lol

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They should stay with 'mom' for a minimum of 8 weeks to give the puppy time to learn dog behaviour and socialize with its litter mates. All dog breeds have to stay in their litter till 8 weeks. Some 'breeders' givepuppies away at six weeks but this is very unwise as the puppy will not be socialized. Ten weeks is the best time as the puppy will know how to treat other dogs and respect humans more.

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Q: How long does German shepherds keeps its babies?
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I have a large German Shephard. That being said, his front paws are 5 1/2" long and 3" wide.

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12 - 16 years is excellent.

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No, Hitler didn't create German shepherd dogs, they existed long before Hitler was around, but Hitler did own German shepherds.

Are long-haired German Shepherds harder to take care of than short-haired German Shepherds?

Yes, I do believe they are as I have a short hair. I think that long haired German shepherds are harder to brush and clean because of their long hair.I own a Long Hair German Shepherd, and we do not have to brush her once a day. They seem like they would get muddy and matted, but actually, I have a retriever, and she get's much more mats than my shepherd. We take them to the groomers for a bath with soap and brushing once every couple months, and in between we don't have to brush her.

How long does it take for female German shepherds to accept the male?

It tooks about a week for a female German shepherd to eccept a new mate, so don't rush them.

Can German shepherds eat store bought yogurt?

Yes, As long as it isn't big amounts as store bought is full of sugar.

What are the long term effects of Wandering Lameness in German Shepherds?

As long as a vet see's and sorts the problem out there shouldn't be any underlying problems. There could be limping for a while but nothing more.

How long would 33 pounds of dog food last a German Shepard?

A while. But German shepherds who are growing should hve two to three cups a day, depending on what your vet says. Their large dogs.