The average chihuahua lives about 15 years.
The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog. The average lifespan of both the long and smooth haired Chihuahua is approximately 10 to 18 years depending on a variety of factors including genetics.
chihuahuas can live up to 17 years... so it is very likely and not unusual that your chihuahua lives to be 13
Chihuahua are generally quite long lived, usually making in excess of 12 years. As with any animal it will depend on how well the dog has been cared for, and it's genetic make up. I have had chihuahuas live to over 14 on many occasions.
This is dependant on your pets life style (exercise diet, etc) all dogs, both small and large can live a long time, with a healthy diet + exercise, your dog can live to ABOUT ten years (longest I know a small dog to live). If you want the exact number of years, ask a vet or animal specialist, or visit a website about small dogs. HotKookies
Yes. Bigger dogs have shorter life spans. For example the Great Dane, it has a average life span. It may live up to 8 years. Chihuahuas are small that they live up to 20 years. My chihuahua, linda, she has been with me for 4 years and she has about 16 years more to live.
Usually at about 3 weeks and up. you will start to see alot of hair.
12-15 years depending on how its brought up to live, if its gunna be really fat it wil live a shorter life, but if you excersise it regulary it will live for up to like 16, hope i could help! :)
Depends on where you live. I think the standard is they have up to one year to file suit in most cases.
"toy chihuahua" isn't a legitimate term. this is a made up category.
As long as they can
the mother chihuahua is very protective of their babies and intend to cover or wrap them up due to protection or warmth .