Northern elephant seals have a short lifespan of nine years in the wild. Ringed and gray seals typically live up to 40 years. Leopard seals generally live up to 15 years. A southern elephant seal's average lifespan ranges from 20 to 22 years. Fur, Hawaiian monk, harp and Weddell seals live up to 30 years.
if they live in the Arctic they may be white because of the snow.
They can live as long as 30 years
seals, artic birds, snow foxes
baby leopard seals can live up to 90 years old .
30-35 yrs.
African cape fur seals can live to 25 years old. Male Australian cape fur seals live about 19 years. Female Australian cape fur seals live to be about 21 years old.
Because they have thick layers over their eyes which prevent them getting blinded.However we are not made to live in Antarctica so we get snow blindness.
Harp seals sleep in snow
Snow Petrels can live up to 20 years in the wild.
they live for 3 years
The snow floor!