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This depends entirely on the species of marsupial.

For the larger marsupials (e.g. Red kangaroos and Grey kangaroos), the average is about 7 months. They may continue to suckle for several months longer, but are no longer dependent on the mother.

Bilbies stay in the mother's pouch for 75 to 80 days. Smaller marsupials such as phascogales are transferred to a nest after 40 days.

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I'm pretty sure all but two marsupials carry their young in pouches. The two that don't I think is the numbat and the brown antechinus.

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Q: How long do marsupials carry their young in their pouch?
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What is the name of the animal carry its young ones in a pouch?

This is the group of mammals known as marsupials.Incidentally, they do not all carry their young in pouches. The numbat is a marsupial which does not have a pouch.

What other animals carry their babies in outside pouches?

Animals that carry their young in a pouch are marsupials. They include:kangaroo (Red kangaroo, Eastern Grey)tree kangaroowallarookoalawombatTasmanian devilwallaby (e.g. swamp wallaby, rock wallaby, hare-wallaby)bilbybandicootquollquokkapademelonpotoroopossum (quite different to the North American opossum)opossum (not native to Australia)sugar glider and other glidersphascogale / tuan / wambengerdunnartantechinus (including the Little red kaluta) and false antechinusrat-kangaroo (not kangaroo-rat, which is not a marsupial)bettongcuscuskultarrmulgaraningauidibblerplanigalebettongkowarimarsupial moletriokboodiewoyliemarsupial shrewEven though the echidna is not a marsupial, it carries its young in a rudimentary pouch that it develops during the breeding season. This is until the echidna develops its spines.

What is a marsoupia?

You may mean 'marsupial' - that's an animal that has a pouch in which to carry its young. Marsupial young are born quite undeveloped and must live in the pouch till they are able to survive on their own. Most marsupials live in Australia.Further information:Marsupials are mammals and, like all mammals, they are warmblooded vertebrates, which breathe using lungs (rather than gills), and are covered with skin, fur or hair. Mammals, including marsupials, suckle their young on mothers' milk. Marsupials belong to the mammal infraclass Marsupialia.Marsupials are mammals with pouches in which they rear their young. Marsupial young are characterised by being extremely small and undeveloped at birth. At birth, they take a long, arduous journey from the birth canal, driven purely by instinct, grabbing hold of the mother marsupial's fur which she has cleaned and made easier to traverse with saliva, to reach the pouch. Upon reaching the pouch, they latch onto a teat which swells in their mouth to prevent them from being accidentally dislodged during the mother's movements. There they stay for months, to complete their development.Not all marsupials have pouches, e.g. the numbat has a mere flap of skin, but in animals where the pouch is absent, the young are still born undeveloped, and they cling by instinct to the underside of their mother's belly, still firmly attached to teats which swell in their mouths.The term "marsupium", which may also be what the question means, rerrs to the pouch which most marsupials have.

Do marsupials carry their young in pouches?

A koala is a marsupial because the young (joey) is born extremely undeveloped. Like many (but not all) marsupials, the female has a pouch. The joey makes its way to the mother's pouch (which, incidentally, is backward-facing) where it latches onto a teat, remaining there for many months to continue its development.This fact of being born undeveloped is the defining characteristic of a marsupial.Like other marsupials, female koalas have two vaginas, or what are called paired lateral vaginae. These are for the purpose of transporting the sperm to the womb, but there is a midline pseudovaginal canal for actually giving birth. As well as two vaginas and two uteruses, female koalas have two fallopian tubes and two cervixes. Male koalas have a two-pronged penis to accommodate the females' two vaginas.I hope this helped! I love helping others in need! (: (; (;

Is the koala the smallest animal with a pouch?

Not at all. Kangaroos are members of the marsupial family. Marsupials have been called the pouch family. Basically because they give birth to their babies early and the pouch is used to protect the baby while it continues its development. However, not all marsupials have pouches (for example, the numbat does not have a pouch but is still a marsupial).Some other marsupials that have pouches include:KoalasWombatsWallaroosWallabiesPossums (a different animal from Opossums)OpossumsKangaroos - the most famous of all the pouched mammalsBandicootGlider (a type of possum)Marsupial MouseMarsupial MolePlanigaleTasmanian DevilQuokkaQuollPhascogaleCuscus

How many months can a bear live in the mother's pouch?

Fetuses aren't grown nor stay in the dam's stomach. They stay and grow in the womb or uterus, not the stomach. How long these cubs stay in their mother depends on the species: it can range from 5 to 8 months long.

What makes marsupials different from the other animals?

A marsupial is a mammal, but it is different to a placental mammal in several main ways.Marsupial young are born very undeveloped. Moving purely by instinct, the baby joey (the term for all marsupial young) makes its way to the mother's pouch, where the young joey latches onto a teat, remaining there to continue its growth and development.Many marsupials have the mammary glands enclosed within a protective pouch. Although a mammal with a pouch is always a marsupial (with the exception of the echidna, which develops a rudimentary pouch during breeding season), not all marsupials have pouches, for example, the numbat of Western Australia.All marsupials are mammals, but not all mammals are marsupials. Marsupials do not have advanced placentas, and have epipubic bones (with the exception of the marsupial mole). Epipubic bones are bones which project forwards from the pelvis. In the case of marsupials, these bones support the female's pouch, but there are other mammals which are not marsupials which also have epipubic bones. The excretory and reproductive systems of placental mammals and marsupials are also different.Female marsupials have two vaginas, or what are called paired lateral vaginae. These are for the purpose of transporting the sperm to the womb, but there is a midline pseudovaginal canal for actually giving birth. As well as two vaginas and two uteruses, female marsupials have two fallopian tubes and two cervixes. Most male marsupials, with the exception of the largest species, the Red Kangaroo, Eastern Grey and Western Grey Kangaroos and one of the smallest species, the Honey Possum, have a two-pronged penis to accommodate the females' two vaginas.

Is The mammal whose young mature in a pouch called a marsupial?

Yes. Marsupials are mammals with pouches in which they rear their young. Marsupial young are characterised by being extremely small and undeveloped at birth. At birth, they take a long, arduous journey from the birth canal, driven purely by instinct, grabbing hold of the mother marsupial's fur which she has cleaned and made easier to traverse with saliva, to reach the pouch. Upon reaching the pouch, they latch onto a teat which swells in their mouth to prevent them from being accidentally dislodged during the mother's movements. There they stay for months, to complete their development.Not all marsupials have pouches, e.g. the numbat has a mere flap of skin, but in animals where the pouch is absent, the young are still born undeveloped, and they cling by instinct to the underside of their mother's belly, still firmly attached to teats which swell in their mouths.

What are the features of a kangaroo in brief?

they have a long tail to help them balance. they have a pouch to carry their young. their legs are very muscular and that helps them bounce a bit further.

How long does a joey have access to the pouch?

Joeys are the generic name for the young of any marsupial. Marsupials are characterised by giving birth to very undeveloped young, unlike placental mammals. The joeys are blind, hairless and must stay attached to their mother's teat for several months while they continue the development that placental mammals have in the womb.Depending on the species, joeys may stay in the pouch for a few weeks or a few months. the larger marsupials keep their young in the pouch for longer.Some examples:Koala joeys stay in the pouch for 6-7 months.For the animals most commonly recognised as kangaroos (e.g. Red kangaroos and Grey kangaroos), the average amount of time the baby kangaroo, or joey, stays in the pouch is about 7 - 8 months.The antechinus may keep its joeys in the pouch for only five weeks.Sugar gliders joesy stay in the pouch for around 3 months.The joeys tend to maintain access to the pouch for another month or so after they have emerged.

What do all marsupials have?

Marsupials are mammals with pouches in which they rear their young. Marsupial young are extremely small and undeveloped when they are born. At birth, they take a long, arduous journey from the birth canal, driven purely by instinct, grabbing hold of the mother marsupial's fur which she has cleaned and made easier to traverse with saliva, to reach the pouch. Upon reaching the pouch, they latch onto a teat which swells in their mouth to prevent them from being accidentally dislodged during the mother's movements. There they stay for months, to complete their development.However, it cannot be said that all marsupials have pouches. The numbat, for example, has a mere flap of skin. In such animals where the pouch is absent, the young are still born undeveloped, and they cling by instinct to the underside of their mother's belly, still firmly attached to teats which swell in their mouths.However, all female marsupials have two vaginas, or what are called paired lateral vaginae. These are for the purpose of transporting the sperm to the womb, but there is a midline pseudovaginal canal for actually giving birth. As well as two vaginas and two uteruses, female marsupials have two fallopian tubes and two cervixes.All marsupials also have fur.

How long is a joey cared for?

Joeys are the generic name for the young of any marsupial. Marsupials are characterised by giving birth to very undeveloped young, unlike placental mammals. The joeys are blind, hairless and must stay attached to their mother's teat for several months while they continue the development that placental mammals have in the womb.Depending on the species, joeys may stay in the pouch for a few weeks or a few months. the larger marsupials keep their young in the pouch for longer.Some examples:Koala joeys stay in the pouch for 6-7 months.For the animals most commonly recognised as kangaroos (e.g. Red kangaroos and Grey kangaroos), the average amount of time the baby kangaroo, or joey, stays in the pouch is about 7 - 8 months.The antechinus may keep its joeys in the pouch for only five weeks.Sugar gliders joesy stay in the pouch for around 3 months.