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it takes about 4-5 weeks but im not complietly choer yet but i think this is right :)

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Q: How long do female dogs teats remain swollen while in heat?
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What does it mean when a female wild turkey is alone?

It is possible that this female is sitting on a nest alone. It is more likely that there are more turkeys nearby that remain undercover while this solve turkey takes more chances.

How rare is it for a sugar glider to have six babies?

Generally sugar gliders will have one or two joeys at a time. On rare occasions they can have three offspring. Having six is near to unheard of. Were a sugar glider to give birth to six joeys, two would die. The female has only four teats and, unlike placental mammals, these teats cannot be shared. The young only survive by latching onto a teat, where it stays while it continues its development.

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No, the phrase "swollen glands" does not refer to the swelling of the sweat glands. Swollen glands are the enlargement of the lymph nodes while the sweat glands are a part of the endocrine system.

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My ankle just stopped swelling 2 days ago witch was 2 months after I sprained it! so it may be swollen for a while

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Swollen lips hurt while eating tomato sauce because of the citric acid in tomatoes. Just as it would hurt eating a pineapple.

Can you get a sore swollen throat from weed?

From the weed, what it may be laced with or what may have been sprayed on it while growing.

Is it normal for mother dogs to lose their hair while nursing?

Yes its quite normal i have dogs my friend has dogs and whenever they have a new litter they lose hair around their teats.

Why do ducklings appear to be female?

Presumably you mean young ducks - feathered, not covered in down? Mostly camouflage - while still young and learning about life's dangers, they can remain unobtrusive, also, adult males will not see them as competition and attack them.

Does a male horse have nipples?

Mother Nature, always thinking ahead, gave the horse 2 teats. Since horses are really only supposed to have one baby at a time they mare gets 2 'fawcets' one as a spare. The foal will switch sides as he nurses but most foals usually have a favorite. Humans are built the same way. Most human births are a single birth but twins do happen sometimes so the human mother has a spare also.

How can you tell if a newt is male or female?

No. While most of their physical traits may seem identical, adult males will have a swollen cloaca while females will not. Often during breeding season, the male's cloaca will increase in size. Adult females also tend to be a little larger than their male counterparts.