

How long did Persians live?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: How long did Persians live?
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Where do most Persians live in southwest Asia?

Most Persians in Southwest Asia live in Iran.

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He lived in Mesopotamia, during which time the Persians were an obscure tribe to the east.

Where are Persians located in the Middle East?

Most Persians live in Iran.

What did the Persians allow conquered people to do as long as they paid taxes?

To live their own lifestyle peacefully under Persian protection.

Were do Persians live?

mostly in southern iran

Where were the Persians located?

Persians are also know as Iranians therefore Persians live in Iran

What did Ancient Persians live in?

persians used to be located in what now a days is the country of Iran. hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.......

What type of landscape did the Persians live in?

ask perry

Why do the Persians live in tents and not traditional housing?

necouse of their climates!

Did the Persians build any houses?

Those they needed to live in.

How did people treat the Persians?

Achaemenid Persian leaders had incredible tolerance for the religions and local character of the peoples that they conquered. As long as they acknowledged the political sovereignty of the Persians, they were free to worship as they wanted, live where they wanted, work in the fields that they wished, and speak their local languages.