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Based on growth layers in the ear plugs, it is estimated fin whales can live to 80-95 years of age. One fin whale that stranded in Denmark in 2010 was estimated to be 135-140 years old, based on the acid in its eye.

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12y ago
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10y ago

They can live as long as humans can. They can live to 90 years on average. However, sometimes, this is effected when some die early as a result of noises and ship collisions along with whaling.

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12y ago

The theoretical aerobic dive limit of the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) is 28.5 minutes, although average time dives are 6 minutes and maximum recorded times are 17 minutes for fin whales studied off California and Baja.

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10y ago

Fin whales are the largest animal right after the blue whale. They can grow up to almost 90 feet long, weight nearly 73 tons, and can live for an average of 94 years.

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10y ago

The fin whale can dive for up to 20 minutes at a time. As well the can reach to depths reaching 1800 feet. The fin whale is the fastest swimming of all the large whales.

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12y ago

Eleven to twelve months.

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14y ago

100 years

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How long were fin whales endangered?

Fin whales have been listed as endangered since the early 1970s. Fin whales populations in the North Atlantic, however, now number 53,000, close to its historic size.

What are the names of the fin whales fins?

Fin whales have two pectoral fins and a dorsal fin.

Is a fin whale the only whale that mates with other whales?

No. Blue whales have mated with fin whales.

Are Fin Whales endangered?

Yes, fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) are classified as Endangered.

Where is the fin whale migration?

In the summer fin whales migrate to cold waters and in the winter fin whales migrate to warm waters.

How long are Fin whales in meters?

Fin whales can reach a reported length of 27.3 m, but adults average 18.3-20 m in the Northern Hemisphere and 20.5-22 m in the Southern Hemisphere.

What is a killer whales back fin called?

the dorsal fin

How many fin whales are off California?

There are estimated to be 3,000 fin whales off California, Oregon and Washington.

What are fin whales enemies?

Fin Whales are hunted in Greenland with a limit of 19 per year.Collisions with ships are an additional major cause of Fin Whale mortality.

What do fin whales do everyday?


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Are fin whales vulnerable?
