Elephant seals can't breathe under water at all. when they dive, they hold their breath.
It's a mammal. It doesn't breath under water. It has the ability to hold its breath for long periods of time.
Elepants can't breath under water. They can swim though and they can breath if they stick their trunk above the water.
no, they just hold their breathe.
yes, in water not on land
They use their gills to breathe under water.
They swim after it, as other seals do. They are highly maneuverable in the water.
the polar bear eats seals which are not fish so they can't breathe under water. so they make holes in the ice (polar seals live in icy places) in witch they can enter the water and breathe through. so polar bears wait at the holes and when a seal pops up they eat it.
The elephant seals care for their young ones by finding food for them and protecting them from any possible threats. They are known to dive as deep as 1,500 meters in water.
squirres can't breathe under water.
Both northern and southern elephant seals are considered 'threatened,' meaning they could become endangered in the future. However, all marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972.
Squirrels cannot breathe under water.
They do not breathe underwater. They hold their breath under the water and surface to breathe.