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Q: How long can ducks hold there breath under water?
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How long do penguins hold there breath?

they can hold their breath 20 minutes under water

How long can beavers hold their breath under water?

Beavers can hold their breath for 10-15 minutes under water.

How do crocidiles breath under water?

they dont breath under water the just hold it and come up for air

How can mammal breath while they are under water?

They do not breathe underwater. They hold their breath under the water and surface to breathe.

How do porpoise breath under water?

They do not breathe under water, they just hold their breath for long periods of time.

How long do they breath under water?

They don't. When submerged, dolphins hold their breath.

How do red eared slider turtles breathe under water?

Most turtles slow down their breathing and hold their breath and they can hold their breath for longs periods of time.

Do head lice hold their breath if so for how long?

Yes they do, but they also breath under-water. They can breath under-water for 14 hours.

How long can a sea snakes hold its breath under water?

Sea Snakes can hold their breath for up to an hour.

Can a chicken hold its breath?

A chicken can hold its breath for a short period of time but should not be held under the water. Chickens can actually drown in under a minute if held under the water.

Can an Armadillo breath under water?

No, but they can hold their breath up to six minutes long.

When you are a mermaid can you breathe under water can you see under water too?

You can't breathe under water but you can hold your breath for an extremely long time and you can also see under water.