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Q: How long can dolphins stay alive?
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Related questions

Can dolphins stay up long?

yes dolphins can stay up long because they are like mamals

How many years can dolphins stay alive?

About 30 years.

How long can Dophins stay out of the water and be alive?

Dolphins are mammels so they can stay out of the water for their whole life but they still have to eat and drink . PS:Francely Rodriguez wrote this.

How long do young dolphins stay with there mother for?

dolphins need to stay with there mothers for about years.

How long ago were dolphins alive?

23 years ago

How long do kittens stay alive?

kittens stay alive for 15 years

How long are young dolphins looked after for after birth?

Dolphins can stay with their mothers for a few months or they will stay with them for a few years, depending on how close it is to its mother.

How long does the eyes stay alive after death?

The eyes can stay alive for 25 hrs.

How long does eye stay alive after death?

The eyes can stay alive for 25 hrs.

How long do pink dolphins stay under water?


How long does dolphins babys stay with them?

about 2-3 years

How much long dolphins can stay in water?

If you mean how long can dolphin stay under water, it's about 20 minutes for a common bottlenose dolphin. I am not sure about other species of dolphins.