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cheetahs can only run at maximum speed for a short time because when they run there blood heats up so they have to stop to let there blood cool else they would boil there brain,there main prey the gazelle runs slightly slower but can run for longer because a part in there throat cools there blood before it gets to there brain,hope this helped.

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12y ago
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13y ago

The cheetah is the fastest land mammal in the world. The cheetah, can reach speeds of between 112 and 120 km/h in short bursts covering distances up to 500 m. It has the ability to accelerate from 0 to over 100 km/h in three seconds.

In terms of miles per hour, they can reach around 70 to 75 mph.

However, they can sustain the speed for only short durations, typically around a minute. If they continue to run at top speed for over that time, they will die of exhaustion.

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8y ago

Cheetahs can run at maximum speed for about 500 meters before they need to stop and rest to recuperate and cool off. They quickly overheat and use upo their energy reserves when running at peak speeds.

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10y ago

A cheetah gets tired from running very quickly, usually in just a minute or so. Its body temperature goes up when it runs, so if it doesn't catch its prey quickly it has to stop.

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14y ago

A cheetah sprint usually lasts no more than 15 seconds, in that time they can cover about 500 metres.

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13y ago

Cheetah can only run for seconds at a time because they quickly overheat.

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7y ago

Yes, a cheetah has little endurance and can only run a short distance at top speed.

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13y ago

no they are fast

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How many miles can the cheetah run?

While cheetahs are born for speed, they have little endurance. A cheetah would be unable to run even a half mile before it would have to stop and rest. The average chase of a hunting cheetah is about 568 feet.

What dog that can run as fast as cheetah?

No. A greyhound, which is a fast running dog, can run 45 miles per hour. A cheetah can normally run up to 70 miles per hour and have been clocked at speeds over 100 miles per hour. However, the cheetah soon tires; it can only sustain that speed for a minute or so, before needing a rest. Dogs on the other hand, will literally go until they die, and that could be for days on end.

Are there species of small gazelle that can outrun the cheetah?

The cheetah is only good for a burst of speed. In the long run all gazelles can out run it.

How long can a cheetah run in one burst?

they run at up to 75 miles per hour but can only run for up to 65 sec. because there body over heats. that's why they rest a long time after running.if they don't rest or go over that time there body over heats which leads to brain damage which will lead to death

Is it possible that you can run faster than a cheetah?

you can if you train yourself for a long time. the best way to get faster is to keep pushing yourself until you can't run anymore. then rest, and when you're ready, go again and try to go faster each time. do this many times and you might be able to run as fast (or faster than) a cheetah.

When was Cheetah Run created?

Cheetah Run was created in 2011.

How farst can a cheeter go?

A cheetah can run as fast as 65 mph but they can not run at that speed for a long time

Is the neck of a cheetah long or short?

there neck is long so that they can catch prey and it makes it easier to run

Who is the deadliest tiger lion or cheetah?

The tiger might be the biggest, lion the most famous and the cheetah the fastest: but in the long run they are all just as powerful. Also, it depends on their prey, habitats, etc

Who run faster cheetah or deer?


What was the fastest animal before the cheetah?

The Pronghorn, is not really faster than the Cheetah though, but it can run about as fast as the Cheetah for extended periods of time, where as the Cheetah can only maintain its high speed for short periods of time.

How is a cheetah adapted to its habitat?

A cheetah can run up to 75mph OMG A cheetah can run up to 75mph OMG