Six months on average.
Dogs are in heat for about twenty one days. There are three stages in a female dogs' heat cycle.
6 months is considered "average" between heat cycles and gestation 63 days. Though heat cycles can vary the soonest a female can become pregnant between seasons is 4 months and some go 12 months or so. The answer ranges from approximately 6 months-14 months.
Dachshunds go into heat every 4-10 months. Usually the first heat cycle a female has is not representative of the number of months between heat cycles. The best indication is the number of months from that first heat to a second heat. Pregnancy does interrupt heat cycles, however they usually return to their original number of months between heats.
Usually heat cycles last for around two weeks. Every dog is different so it may be longer.
Yes, so long as they are around about the same size.
Shih tzus do not have particularly long tongues compared to other dog breeds. Their tongue length is proportional to their size and they typically have a normal tongue length for their breed.
a foot long and 5-6 inches tall
A beagle does not have a menstrual cycle. Instead dogs have heat cycles. Typically they will go in heat once they turn 6 months old and will go in heat every 3 to 4 months.
It varies, but there are short-term cycles that lasts probaly 36 moths or so. But there are long term cycles that some say swing in long about 50 year cycles, but these thing vary.
Sunspot 'cycles' are at approximately 11-year intervals.