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I would recomend at least 1 year to 2. Rabbits sometimes get into bad habbits and chew the cage. My rabbit does that and it can get very annoying. If your rabbit chews the cage then smear the sides with non-toxic rabbit deterant. My rabbit doesn't chew the cage but iisn't scared to be in there because it's only on the parts he chews!

Kool Kat5555

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about 150 square centimeters

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How do you keep rabbits from eating my tree bark?

Store it somewhere safe or keep it in it's cage for a while

Can you get rabbits living in your back garden?

Yes, but you'd better keep them in a cage or they will be a pest.

Can newborn wild rabbits live with guineapigs please answer asap?

Yes You can keep Rabbits and Guinea pigs can live in the same cage

Do lionhead rabbits get lonley?

No, Rabbits are not social creatures. If you are still worried you could keep another rabbit nearby but it is not wise to put them in the same cage.

How do you deliver baby rabbits?

To breed rabbits, put one male and one female together in a different cage. They have to be at least 6 months old and no older than 2 1/2 years. Keep them in the cage for about 3 hours and then remove them. In weeks you will start noticing she is larger!

Can you keep two females rabbits together?

Yes NO, NO, rabbits are very territorial and they will fight. Every rabbit needs it's own cage (space). Read other peoples answers to the same question .

What are the tools and equipment necessary for successful rearing of rabbits?

foodwater bottlecage /hutchstraw/haytoysspray ,to keep cage cleandustpan & brush to clean the cage outtreats for themout door run for thempipes for them to keep coolcream for ticsand brushes for there coatnail clippers for there feetfruit and vegetable,but not all the time because it is not good for them but there is some fruit and veg that rabbits can't eat like apples

What made Australia go through the depression?

Because they needed to keep the rabbits out of business(Koalas as well)

How do you stopp rabbits from getting poop caked on them?

Keep the cage cleaned up so that they are not sitting in their feces. The cage should be cleaned about every 2-4 days. If there is a litter box, then it should be cleaned every day.

Is 3ft by 3ft by 2ft with 1 by 3 and 1 by 2 lofts big enough for a dwarf rabbits cage?

The HRS recommends a cage at least 4 times the size of your rabbit stretched out. However, the size you listed seems to be adequate for a dwarf breed (~2-3lbs) as housing. Remember that rabbits still need to exercise outside of their cage every day to keep them healthy.

Can you reuse a rabbit cage after the rabbits have died of myxomatosis?

There shouldn't be a problem with reusing the cage because any future rabbits that go in the cage should be vaccinated against myxomatosis. All pet rabbits who live in areas where there's myxomatosis should be vaccinated. The vaccine is the only way to protect your rabbit against myxomatosis. Myxomatosis is spread by mosquitos and fleas: there's really no way to keep these away from your rabbit (even netting and screens aren't very effective).

Why are burrows good for rabbits?

Wild rabbits burrow so they have a hiding place against predators such as hawks, or coyotes. Domestic rabbits live in a cage so they don't need to make a hole. Instead, they want to find out how to use them