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Giraffes can have tongues that are about 45-50 centimeters long. The longest giraffe tongue is about 53 centimeters long.

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10y ago
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14y ago

A giraffes tongue is about 1 foot long. So about the length from your elbow to your wrist. If you are a child then it's from your elbow to your finger tips.

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15y ago

freakin long

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13y ago

18-20 in.

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Q: How long are giaraffe's toungs?
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Are giaraffes an indagerd species?

Giraffes are not currently endangered.

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An earth pig's tongue can range in length from four to six inches on average, depending on the species. Their tongues are used for both tasting and feeling their surroundings.

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Yes crocodiles do like to stick out their tongue.

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Beluga whales communicate by using body language and making amazing clicking sounds with their teeth and toungs.

Do giaraffes have belly buttons?

Yes! all mammals have belly buttons. When we are growing in our mothers belly we are joint by an umbilical cord then when we have been born the umbilical cord gets cut and that is why we have belly buttons.

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They can be teething exploration ect.. The main reason is to prepare their toungs and teeth for speaking and It also shapes their little mounts

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because of adams moms dogs cats hairy toungs friends happy but faced floor at hotel transilvania in idaho

What do basilisk toungs do?

Basilisk fangs are poisonous, and only have one, though very rare, antidote- phoenix tears. They can be venomous for years after the snake is dead. Their tongues are not dangerous.

How does a lizard smell?

like any other living creature (through its nose)

Why do giraffes have long muscular neck and long flexible tongue?

The belief is giraffes developed long necks and long tongues so they could feed on vegetation higher up than other animals and therefore had a survival advantage.