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They average about two to three feet long, no different from a domestic foal.

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Q: How long are baby wild horses LEGS?
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Related questions

How long is the legs of a wild horse?

The length of the horses legs will vary according to the horses overall height.

How do Asian wild horses move around?

They move their legs

How long does a horse keeps its baby?

Horses will keep there foals for three years in the wild and 9 months in captivity

When does the baby of a wild horse see?

Horses can see at birth.

How do horses survive in their environment?

Taking that you mean wild horses...Wild horses survive by following with the herd. They have a great flight instinct and strong long legs that can escape predators. They look towards their lead horse, who tells them where it is safe to eat or drink or stop. Although horses are great survivors, death, sadly, can always result.

When is adult wild horses feeding time?

Wild horses will feed whenever they can as long as they can. There is no specific TIME.

What are the release dates for Wild Animal Baby Explorers - 2010 Hey There Horses Playtime 2-14?

Wild Animal Baby Explorers - 2010 Hey There Horses Playtime 2-14 was released on: USA: 2011

Are wild onions toxic to horses?

Eaten long term or in large amounts wild onions (and garlic) can cause anemia in horses.

Why are zebras like horse?

zebras are from the same family as wild horses, domestic horses, wild asses, and domestic asses. the family is called EQUIDAE

Is wild horses hair long?

yes, compared to up-kept domestic horses manes and tails.

How long do przewalskis horses live for in the wild?

przewalskis horses are extinct from the wild so they are only found in captivity and they usually live for about 20 years in captivity

Why horses run so fast?

B ecuz the mussles in their legs are made to powerful enough to get them to run so fast, so that if they are wild horses they can escape from predators easily.