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Q: How long are Panthers whiskers?
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Do guinea pigs have long whiskers?

i have my guniea pig siting here with me he has long whiskers . but there not really long but there kinda long.

Do hammerhead sharks have whiskers?

yes sharks have long sensative whiskers

How do the huge eyes and long whiskers are useful to mice?

I'm not sure about the eyes... But the whiskers are that long because mice are noctournal, so there whiskers help them to sense what is around them during the day.

Does a mouse have whiskers?

Yes, squirrels do have whiskers, but they are very fine.

Why do dogs have whiskers on their legs?

Dogs do not have whiskers on their legs, just their fur. Sometimes when the fur on their legs is thick and long, it is called "feathers". The only whiskers a dog has is on its muzzle and sides of the face.

What are black panthers senses?

Black panthers have sensitive whiskers which enable the cat to feel the way through darkness. The sense of smell and hearing is keen for locating prey in the dark. The senses of the Black Panther help the animal to be able to find prey without the sense of sight.

How cats and dogs look different?

cats and dogs look different cause cats have long whiskers and dogs have short whiskers.

What are some black panther adaptations?

what are some physical adaptations of a panther. answer: they have claws to climb trees.what is a panthers diet. answer: a carnvore. :)how are some panthers predators. answer: a wild boar

What is old whiskers?

"Old whiskers" is a colloquial term used to refer to a long, gray beard typically seen on older individuals. It is a humorous or affectionate way to describe facial hair that is long and gray, resembling a whisker or bristle.

Does a guinea pig have whiskers?

Yes, but they aren't very long.

What are dog breeds with long whiskers?

Some dog breeds known for having long whiskers include Airedale Terriers, Schnauzers, and Bearded Collies. Whiskers serve an important sensory function for dogs, helping them navigate their surroundings and detect changes in their environment.

Did the neanderthals have whiskers?

There's nothing to indicate that neanderthals would have had whiskers. Those species that has branched off the tree of Life a LONG time ago.