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Every woman's cycle is different but most ovulate around the 14th day of a 28 day cycle. You can learn to chart your cycle your self. See related link.

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Q: How long after the last day of a woman's period can she get pregnant?
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How long after the end of your period can you get pregnant?

you can not get pregnant while you have your period. you can only get pregnant when you are ovulating. ovulation happens about two weeks after your last period. if you are trying for a baby then the doctors can tell you when you are ovulating

Can you be pregnant if you had a period and it did'nt last long as usual?

It is possible to have your period 3 times during your pregnancy. Just because you have your period doesnt mean you are not pregnant.

If your period always last for 7 days then your next period last for 3-4days does that mean you pregnant?

No that does not mean that it means that your period this time was not as long asit normall is

What does it mean if your on your period for a whole month but you know your not pregnant?

How long is too long for your period to last This link contains much useful information

Does standing on your feet for long periods of time cause pain in a pregnant womans belly?

It can.

How long can you have your period while being pregnant?

When pregnant, you do not get your period

How long can a womans sexual peak last?

It can last from a minute to 20 minutes depending on the pleasure.

How long does a womans breast stay sore if she is pregnant. For some days or throughout the pregnancy?

Throughout the pregnancy.

It has been about three months since you had your last period and you strted bleeding last night what does that mean?

Either you got your period back or you were pregnant and miscarried. Never wait this long to find out why you are not bleeding.

How long do teddy bear hamster last pregnant?

16 days is the gestation period of the Syrian hamster (teddy bear)

How long does crack stay in a pregnant womans urine?

You are requested to stay away from drugs, specially during pregnancy.

Why am i cramping and feeling bloated 5 days after having my period could i be pregnant my cycle is normal and 28 days long and last period April 1-5?
