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You must take the dog to an emergency room immediately; as the cherry pits will induce a heart attack and possibly a stroke or seizure.

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Q: How long after a dog eats cherry pits will he get sick?
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An approximate NUMBER of cherry pits that will make you SICK and maybe vomit by the way I am 5 foot 6 150 lbs?

Cherry pits, or fruit seeds in general, will pass harmlessly through the digestive system if you swallow them. Of course, if you are determined to make yourself sick by swallowing cherry pits, you could swallow too many at once and make yourself sick, but the exact number needed really varies quite a bit depending upon the state of your own personal digestive system. Some people seem to have the ability to pass virtually any quantity of indigestible objects through their digestive systems. My guess is, if you were to eat two pounds of cherries, along with the pits, all at one sitting, you have an excellent chance of making yourself ill.

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Do you mean Humans? Well, They Don't because if you eat it you get sick if it eats you The antilope will die, If you Eat=Sick :( If it eats you=Dead antelope :(

Do peach pits contain arsenic?

Peach pits do contain trace amounts of a cyanide compound. However in order to do any damage to yourself you would have t eat a lot of peach pits (theoretically). Peaches are not the only fruit to have cyanide related poisons, apple seeds, cherry seeds and Nectarines all have these poisons as well, although I hear tell the concentration is less. Be wary- their is enough poison to do significant harm to small animals, and even cattle. Reports have been made of Cows eating fallen peaches and getting very sick or dying.

What happen when a dog eats chocolate?

it dies the dog does not die as soon as it eats chocolate. okay, as long as it doesn't have enough. it will probably just be sick. If you think you should take it to the vet then take it to the vet.

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Try it, and if nothing happens 2 days after, congrats! You are not sick. But if you start feeling weird, then you ar sick.

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No, Because it might get sick.