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Q: How large would the female dog have to be for a man to mate with her?
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Would a male father dog mate with a female daughter dog?

yes because its a female it is very likely

Is it common for a large breed female dog to mate with a small breed male dog?

It usually doesn't happen but its possible if the female is laying down.

Why does your mail dog keep biting people while your female dog is in season?

Your male dog may be trying to mate with your female dog since it's the mating time for them. If that were the case, your male dog would be afraid of other things (including people) encroaching on its potential mate. Therefore, it would be extremly protective of the female. Which means biting.

Can a Rottweiler dad be mate with his daughter?

Yes. A female rottweiler can and will mate with her father. No dog knows the identity of his or her father.

How do you mate with a female dog?

with a hell of love

My female dog will not mate?

Has she come on heat yet?

Is there such thing as a cat and dog combined?

Dogs cannot mate with cats. However, if a male dog mated with a female cat it would be called a Dat, and a male cat with a female dog would be a Cog.

Can a male dog mate a female dog?

hes in preshcool lol

What to do with a dog in heat without a mate?

Are you a breeder? If so, find him a female dog.

To find your female dog a male dog to breed she is a shishitzu?

if your asking how to find a male dog for your female dog then your gonna have to wait until your female dog is in heat then automatically the male dog will be attracted to the female and they will mate

Why would a spayed female dog have large nipples?

It would have nipples if it was very fat

How do you get dogs to mate that have mated in the past?

Usually if the female is in heat any male dog will mate with her