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akfuhgaslidbjkfkn thats how

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Q: How is coat color in rabbits inherited?
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What is the dominant color of fur rabbits have?

The wild rabbit agoutti coat is dominant.

Which features are inherited in a rabbit?

Rabbits inherit features such as fur color and texture, ear length and shape, eye color, and body size and shape from their parents. Other inherited traits can include behavior tendencies, such as temperament and activity level.

If a male dog has a black coat and the female has the white coat what color coat would the offspring have?

Chances are, white. Colour is usually inherited from the mother of the two parents, however there are exceptions.

What are traits inherited by multiple alleles?

Traits inherited by multiple alleles are those that are controlled by three or more different forms of a gene (alleles) at a single locus. Examples include human blood type, where the ABO gene has three common alleles (IA, IB, and i), and coat color in rabbits, which is determined by four alleles of the C gene (C, cch, ch, and c).

What color do the rabbits fur change in summer to winter?

The snowshoe hare changes its fur to white in the winter, and back to brown (with a white underbelly in the summer. If it is an outdoor rabbit, it can get sunburn, if it's black, its fur will turn a brown color, it isn't really dangerous, but make sure they have shade, and the color will become normal again after she/he gets their winter coat

How do dogs get their coat a color?

dogs have a nerve in there body that gives them the color of there coat and there coat.

What would a kitten most likely inherit from its parents?

A kitten is likely to inherit its parents' coat color, coat texture, and eye color. Additionally, behavioral traits and predisposition to certain health conditions can also be inherited.

Is skin color inherited?

Yes. Skin color comes from a person's amount of melanin, which is inherited genetically.

What are genes that have more than two alleles?

ABO blood groups in humans,Coat color in rabbits is determined by four alleles,human-leukocyte-associatedantigen(HLA) genes

What is a physical trait determined by inherited genes?

Eye color is a physical trait that is determined by inherited genes. The specific combination of genes inherited from parents determines the color of an individual's eyes.

Why does rabbit fur color change?

Wild rabbits, usually the Arctic hare, sheds the brown summer coat for a white winter coat because they need to blend in with there surroundings. If they camouflage with there surroundings, they become less noticeable to predators such as the arctic fox or wolf.

Is hair color a inherited?

Hair color is an inherited trait, although it is also a trait that can be altered, by artificial means, and hair color also varies with age. Eventually, if you live long enough your hair will turn white, regardless of what color you inherited.