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They form on the under side of mountains.

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They are in the strong lower atmosphere

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Q: How high are Mammatus clouds?
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What planet are mammatus clouds on?

Mammatus clouds can be found on Earth in the sky. They are a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud, typically associated with thunderstorms.

What is a mammatus on a tornado?

A mammatus cloud is not a cloud characteristic of tornadoes, but it is often associated with severe thunderstorms. Mammatus clouds consist of small, smooth puffs of cloud that hand down from the base of a larger cloud, often the anvil of a thunderstorm.

How do Mammatus clouds form?

Mammatus clouds form when sinking pockets of cold, dense air create pouch-like structures underneath the base of a larger cloud. These pockets are formed by the downward motion of air and moisture that condense into visible cloud droplets. Mammatus clouds are often seen following intense thunderstorms and can be a sign of turbulent weather.

Where does Mammatus cloud form?

Mammatus clouds form under the anvil of a cumulonimbus cloud, which is a type of thunderstorm cloud. These pouch-like structures can appear hanging beneath the base of the cloud and are often associated with severe weather events such as strong thunderstorms or tornadoes.

What weather does a mammatus make?

Mammaus clouds are on the backsides of strong thunderstorms they are the key to knowing that a storm has passed.

What are miscellaneous clouds?

Miscellaneous clouds are types of clouds that don't belong to any specific cloud formation category. They include various cloud formations that don't fit neatly into the standard classifications, sometimes due to their unique appearance or formation process. Examples include the mammatus, noctilucent, and fallstreak hole clouds.

How many cloud are there?

=there are 15 i have counted off of the internet so yeah i have also counted in the sky==here they are:==Cirrus clouds==Cirrostratus clouds==Cirrocumulus clouds==Altostratus clouds==Altocumulus clouds==Stratus clouds==Stratocumulus clouds==Nimbostratus clouds==Cumulus clouds==Cumulonimbus clouds==Mammatus clouds==Lenticular clouds==Fog==Contrails==Green Clouds=

What does a Mammatus cloud predict?

Mammatus clouds do not predict specific weather events. They typically form in association with strong thunderstorms or severe weather but are not indicative of the severity of the upcoming weather. They are more of a phenomenon associated with turbulent atmospheric conditions.

Which cloud is associated with severe weather?

The cumulonimbus cloud is associated with severe weather, such as thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail, and tornadoes. These clouds are tall, dense, and have a flat anvil-shaped top, indicating strong vertical development and instability in the atmosphere.

What type of cloud does heavy rain fall from?

Heavy rain typically falls from cumulonimbus clouds, which are large, dense, and vertically developed clouds that are associated with thunderstorms and intense precipitation. These clouds can produce heavy rain, hail, lightning, and even tornadoes.

When was High in the Clouds created?

High in the Clouds was created in 2005.

Are cirrus clouds low are high?

Cirrus clouds are at a high altitude.