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guinea pigs get what they want by peeing on people,biting,or high pitched squealing.

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Q: How guinea pigs plan to rule the world?
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How does Obama plan to rule the world?

He doesn't plan to rule the world, just be President for his term.

Will pigs rule the world one day?

Dream On!!!!!Answer:As soon as they learn to fly.

What fruit and vegetable are guinea pigs aloud to eat?

Guinea pigs are allowed to eat many vegetables but when it comes to fruit you really need to know what to give them. As a general rule, don't feed any nightshades (e.g. potatoes, tomatoes), nothing growing from bulbs (e.g. lilies, tulips). While this is not a safe rule to rely upon, it's a good rule-of-thumb. With the exception of the above, Guinea Pigs normally know perfectly well what they can eat and what they like to eat. In fact, Guinea Pigs can be quite selective, with pronounced preferences and dislikes. Fruit and vegetables like apples, cucumbers, grapes and peaches are not generally part of a natural Guinea Pig diet though, so these should be given in moderation only. Some Guinea Pigs will love some fruits and veg, mainly for their juiciness and sugar content. However, the softness and the high sugar content makes them unhealthy, possibly causing obesity, gum disease and overgrowth of teeth.

How did Benito Mussolini plan to rule the world?

Using Fascism.

Does the guinea pig and cat fight?

While most of our cats accept the guinea pigs we keep at home and generally ignore them, one of them can be a little aggressive. It depends on the cat, but as a general rule, I would HIGHLY recommend that you don't keep them together. A cat is much larger than a guinea pig and can easily kill it with a bite or a swat of their paw or a scratch. Guinea pigs are prey animals and cats are hunters. Bad combination. Keep them separated please!

Do pig mothers eat their pigletts if they are stressed?

Yes. Yes they do. Even read that whole thingy about pigs on wikipedia. Don't dislike pigs cuz they are meanies!DON'T EAT PIGS EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE MEANIES AND GIVE YOU THE SWINE FLU! PIGS RULE! PIGS RULE! PIGS RULE...........................................

What are positives about cat litter?

They keep your house clean dude they sometimes can smell but don't be lazy just clean it up. And also if i were u i would get a guinea pig instead if u don't want to deal with cat litter. Guinea pigs rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the plan of the terminators in the movie terminator salvation?

to rule the intire world and take over the resistance

How did Hitler plan to rule the world?

Conquer Europe, build A-bombs, drop them on major u.s. cities and sue for piece.

Can you put guinea pigs in the same cage as hamsters?

It is not recommended to house guinea pigs and hamsters together in the same cage. They have different care requirements and may not get along, leading to potential aggression or stress. It's best to provide separate, species-appropriate housing for each animal.

Is your guinea pig going to have babies?

The only species that can have babys as males are the seahorses. there are exceptions to the rule...certin amphibians can change their gender, when their population is at risk of becoming extinct, due to a lack of members of the opposite sex. boy guinea pigs can not do either of these things, so in this case "boys WILL be boys"

Which countries have tribal rule?

Papua new guinea, Indonesia, Africans, new zeleanders