

How fat can mice get?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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14y ago

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mice can keeping getting fat but if you don't want it 2 feed it the right amount of food when you need 2

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Q: How fat can mice get?
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When do mice eat?

Mice can eat basically anything but shouldn't eat -things high in fat and sugars because they may get obese -alcohol because it will kill them you can give y our mice chocolate but not too much otherwise they will get too fat and they might even die. Hope I helped you. Mice can NOT eat avocados they are poison to mice and most mice can not tolerate chocolate and should never be feed to mice i own 15 mice and breed them

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The lemmings

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in the order to have enough food an owl will catch several mice. This means that there must be more mice than owls and the mice must be well fed with grass seed to be more fat and the owls will have bigger meals.

Do rats get fat at birth?

If you mean can you see they're pregnant by a fat tummy - then yes ! I used to breed rats and mice for my reptiles, and remember them getting fat in a few weeks !

What do cook's mice eat?

Mice are fat & ugly beasts so i suggest not wasted your time with questions about them. If u really want it though, the answer is zombie liver.

What is known to cause a reduction in fat cell number in mice?

Restricted calorie intake, certain medications like orlistat, and surgical procedures like liposuction or bariatric surgery can cause a reduction in fat cell number in mice.

How much weight does milk loses when you boil it?

Some evidence suggests that high calcium consumption in the form of dairy foods can promote weight loss, but that doesn't mean that all you have to do is drink lots of milk.Researchers at the University of Tennessee found that calcium stored in the fat cells of mice can help determine their metabolism. In one study, the researchers fed obese mice a high-fat, high-sugar diet for six weeks. The animals' body fat increased by 27 percent. Then the researchers put the mice on different low-calorie diets. They also gave one group calcium supplements, another group dairy foods, and the third group just the low-calorie diet. The mice in the third group lost only 8 percent of their new body fat; the mice that received calcium supplements lost 42 percent, and the mice that got dairy products lost 69 percent of the fat they had put on

Can you give baby mice buffalo's milk?

No. Bufflo are just giant, grizzly, wild type cattle. Baby mice can only have high fat, lactose free milks such as puppy or kitten milk.

IS silver decorative balls made of pig and mice fat?

No, they're made out of either plastic or tin. Occasionally metal.

What is the movie that had the scene where it began with a plane with pepper pouring out and a gang of mice getting really fat after eating everything?
