

Best Answer

well, I might be wrong but I think that cats age every 2 months since their birthday and on their birthdate, they turn 2 years old. So every Human year equals to be 7 cat years.

I hope it helps!



LOL! That's a Dog!!! And All These Sites are WRONG!!! I Got the TRUE ANSWER...

According to (a Global Animal Nutrition Specialist Company) Voted #1 By Vets World Wide... These are the Approximate Vet Calculations for the Aging of Domesticated and Indoor Only Felines... Outdoor (Feral) Cats Live Half as Long and Age Twice as Fast Due to Conditions and Disease/ Lack of Nutrition and Care....

Human Years/ Cat Years

3 Months - 9 years old

6 Months - 13

1 Year - 19

2 Years - 28

3 Years - 30

4 Years - 38

5 Years - 45

6 Years - 48

7 Years - 51

8 Years - 55

9 Years - 59

10 Years - 63

11 Years - 66

12 Years - 69

13 Years - 72

14 Years - 77

15 Years - 81

16 Years - 86

17 Years - 90

18 Years - 95

© 2010 Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc.

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13y ago
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11y ago

In the first year of their life, a cat will age the equivalent of about 14 human years, as it reaches sexual maturity after a year.

Each successive year is about four human years. A 20-year-old cat has reached an equivalent age to a 90-year-old human.

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14y ago

For every 1 human year that happens a cat ages 4 times as much. 1=4, 2=8, 3=12, 4=16, etc.

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15y ago

in cat years they age 7 cat years every human year Icestar

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14y ago

well its about 4 i think years to evry human one

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11y ago


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