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5 to 10 feet

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Q: How far can Gorillas jump?
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Does gorillas live in Caribbean South America?

As far as I know, gorillas live only in Afrida.

What is a horizontal jump test?

It is to see how far you can jump

How far can a king jump in checkers?

A king can jump as far as needed to legally capture pieces.

Can you jump from behind the board in long jump?

yes but you will not get as far

Does running before you jump make you jump far?


How far can adults jump?

A standing broad jump, not too far. A running jump, much further. And there are tricks, such as running and tossing weights backwards, which adds further distance to the jump.

Does shoe brands matter on far you jump?

Its not the shoes that matter it is the person inside the shoes that matter how far you jump

How far can a wallaby jump?

Wallabies can jump you are correct, wallabies can approximately jump 3 feet.

How high can a pengiun jump?

as far as 6ft as far as 6ft

How far can a fire belly toad jump?

It can jump at lest 6 inches high.

How do get you past rock wall Jade Wolf?

you have to defeat the 'king of gorillas'. he is in the desert far to the right, ground level. you just have to stand in front of him until he jumps, then jump up when he hits the ground. he will land belly up. jump on his stomach. repeat this 2-3 times until he dies and gives you a jade statue. his final crash will have knocked down the wall

What insect can jump far?

When body length is considered, fleas can jump the furthest. Fleas can jump 200 times their body length. This would be like a person being able to jump over a 70 story building. Other great jumpers are bharals, hares, red kangaroos, and grasshoppers.