Quite far away, my Yorkshire Terrier can sence my mum and dad from far away when there out, he can tell when there are comming back, but I don't know if that's got anything to do with smell or hearing.
I am thinking of rescuing a yorkie whose mama was an elderly woman who passed away. I had seen a hawk in the yard last month so I researched this... Sounds like it IS a definite possibility. Here are some links: http://www.yorkietalk.com/forums/general-yorkshire-terrier-discussion/79582-beware-hawks-taking-small-animals.html http://www.doggienews.com/2004/12/hawk-attacks-yorkshire-terrier.htm http://www.yorkietalk.com/forums/general-yorkshire-terrier-discussion/76789-how-big-pup-will-hawk-get.html It's terrified me. I am thinking of rescuing a yorkie whose mama was an elderly woman who passed away. I had seen a hawk in the yard last month so I researched this... Sounds like it IS a definite possibility. Here are some links: http://www.yorkietalk.com/forums/general-yorkshire-terrier-discussion/79582-beware-hawks-taking-small-animals.html http://www.doggienews.com/2004/12/hawk-attacks-yorkshire-terrier.htm http://www.yorkietalk.com/forums/general-yorkshire-terrier-discussion/76789-how-big-pup-will-hawk-get.html It's terrified me.
Pets may run away because they might think their owner is trying to attack them or they are scared. Do not chase them, make them chase you and make them get used to your natural smell.
Wolves have been known to smell objects as far away as 1.6 km. An object does not have to be far away for a wolf to smell it, though - they can smell something right next to their nose.
A Lioness can smell things from 30kms away.
a hyena can smell up to 15 metres away
Really, you should only wash them if they become dirty or if their odor becomes particularly unbearable. A dog's smell is his indicator that he is still an animal. When the smell is taken away and replaced by a floral or even chemical scent, he will rub himself on whatever he can find to restore his scent. Like a couch or possibly the carpet. Wash your dog only when absolutely necessary and be sure to use canine designated soaps and shampoos. And remember to use soaps and shampoos that are made for sensitive skin.
The Boston Terrier is not overly active and so usually you can get away with having only a fenced yard for them to play in.
I am so hunger
Ants can smell sugar from up to 20 feet away.
they have intense smell.
No. Although bears do have a very keen sense of smell for food. They cannot smell blood from miles away.
it can smell as far as 16 yards away