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Energy from plants go to feed the fungi that ants and termites cultivate. Then the ants and termites eat those fungi, receiving that energy. The anteaters than eats the ants or termites, and gets the energy that originally came from the plants.

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Q: How energy gets from plants to an anteater?
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An anteater is a heterotroph because it relies on consuming other organisms, such as ants and termites, for energy and nutrients. Autotrophs, on the other hand, can produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis.

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They eat plants and animals

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Milkweed like most plants gets its energy from the sun.

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Algae IS a plant. It gets energy from the sun, not other plants.

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All plants receive their energy through photosynthesis.

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Plants get energy from the sun and from decomposed material.

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Energy from the sun in EM radiation (visible light)

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An animal that does not eat plants and gets energy from others is a carnivore. Carnivores primarily consume other animals for their source of energy and nutrients. They are usually at a higher trophic level in the food chain compared to herbivores.