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They say as early as 19 weeks, although I think the average is 22 or so.

28 weeks a baby has a high chance of living but healthy depends at 19 weeks their is almost no chance of survival, so who ever wrote 19 to 22 weeks are so wrong!

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Q: How early can you go into labor and the baby still be healthy?
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What happened when mom went into labor early?

Hopefully she was delivered of a healthy new baby a little earlier than was expected.

What is early labor?

Early labor is the very beginning stages of having a baby. In this stage, your contractions will gradually become longer and stronger.

Can a baby be born 36 days early and weigh 6 pounds 3 ounces and be absolutely healthy?

It is possible for a baby to be born 36 days early and weigh 6 pounds 3 ounces and still be healthy. However, premature babies may require additional monitoring and care to ensure their development and well-being. It is important to follow the advice of healthcare professionals to support the baby's growth and health.

How can you go into labor if your 30 weeks?

Yes. It is possible to go into labor at any point. It might not be healthy for the baby to be in labor at 30 weeks, so it's best to get to a hospital and be examined by a medical professional.

Does gestational diabetes cause preterm labor?

No, but it is likely they will induce labor early. One of the side effects of gestational diabetes is increased weight of the baby. They sometimes induce the labor when the baby reaches a certain weight to avoid some delivery complications.

Can being dehydrated cause early labor?

no being dehydrated cannot cause early labor, however, it can make you ill thus causing the unborn baby distress. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day! its good for your digestive system, your skin and you new baby!

When is it necessary to induce labor?

if the baby is slow to develop or is still in the womb after 42 weeks

Im drunk when im pregnant What will happen to my baby?

If you keep on doing it the baby risk serious damage and fetal alcohol syndrome and early labor.

What are the four types of labor?

Types? Do you mean stages? If you mean stages, its first, second, and third. First stage is early labor, second stage is active labor (the stage where the baby comes out) and third stage is when the placenta is delivered. Then there's false labor, which can seem like early labor but fizzles out before it progresses into anything.

Is it normal to push a baby back into its mothers womb?

You can't really push a baby "back in," but if you go into labor early, your doctor or midwife might try some things to put off labor if they feel it is necessary.

Fasting during pregnancy is it safe will it naturally bring on labor?

No and no. You have higher nutritional requirements during pregnancy which the baby needs to be healthy.

List five stages of childbirth?

The five stages of child birth include early labor,active labor, third stage which involves pushing the baby, fourth stage which involves delivering the placenta, and lastly examining the baby.