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lots of dogs smile even though you don't know it, my dog, Dave [terrier] smiles quite cutley, but all dogs smile differant ways

xx kirsti3 xx

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Dogs cannot sweat, dog's lose heat through panting and to humans this might appear to be grinning. When dogs are happy they wag their tails, they don't grin.

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If it works in people there's no reason I can think of why it wouldn't work in cats and dogs.

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Q: How does your dog smile?
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What is the story behind smile dog?

smile dog is an anecent q demon meaning devil dog he who laugh back b w

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Smile Inside by Tim Myers & Ane Trolle

Are you supposed to smile to a dog?

you can not teach your dog to smile only certain breeds can smile ANSWER: Actually, all dogs smile when they are happy. A dog smile consists of an open mouth, often with tongue hanging out, and lips stretched back to show some of the teeth. You don't need to "teach" this. Keep your dog happy and it will just happen on its own.

What is smile dog?

smile dog is an Internet phenomenon picture in which a dog's nose was photoshopped out of the picture, and dental images of teeth were photoshopped in. the result was a extremely horrifying photo which sprouted stories, videos and more.

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yes, he is a huge puff with moobs.

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no it is a dog it is not supposed to smile anyway

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Smile Naumoski-Brcjak has written "A Diary of a Dog Walker: A Personal Project to Inspire Change".

Are you supposed to smile at a dog?

Ask an expert on dog behavior why dogs smile, and you may get a somewhat complicated answer involving submissive behavior, automatic responses, etc. They often ruefully conclude, "But dogs don't really smile, at least, not for the same reasons we do."Ask the average dog owner the same question, and he'll respond indignantly: "Of course he smiles! Just look at that face; he's smiling right now - you can't say that's not a smile!"Yeah that's true actually. Great answer!- Ks321Yes

Can a dog smile?

yes it smiles in car rides and walks make sure you do these things daily

How do you be like Elle Woods from Legally Blonde?

1. Love Pink 2. Get a dog like hers. 3. Blondie all the way! 4. Don't dumb yourself down for a guy, go after what YOU want! 5. Smile! Smile! Smile!

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