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Here are some causes and suggested treatments: Breeding: Bloodhounds, Newfoundlands, mastiffs, and Saint Bernards are breeds with loose upper lips or “flews,” causing them to drool more than others. ... Mouth disease and tooth decay: Tarter buildup can rub against the inside of your dog's lip, causing drool.

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Q: How does your dog salivate?
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When the dog salivate?

no worries, it probably is just because the dog sees food that he or she really wants.

What tone cause a dog salivate to associated with the presentation of food?

There is no tone that causes a dog to salivate; you need to train a particular dog to do that as it is a learned behavior. You might want to read about the apparently not-so-famous experiment by Ivan Pavlov.

What scientist studied digestion to show that when a bell rang a dog would salivate?


Is salivate a verb?

Yes, salivate is a verb.

Why did Pavlovs dog salivate to a tone?

Pavlov's dog salivated to a tone because the tone had been repeatedly paired with the presentation of food. This led to the dog associating the tone with food, triggering a conditioned response of salivation even when food was not present.

Pavlovs dog learned to respond to a bell as if the bell were food?

conditioned stimulus

Who was ivon pavlov?

Ivan Pavlov was a Russian psychologist who is famously known for his conditioning experiment involving a dog and a bell. What he did was train the dog to salivate by ringing a bell. To do so, Pavlov would place food in front of the dog, and ring the bell. Thus, the dog would salivate at the sight of the food and subconsciously at the sound of the bell. Through conditioning, Pavlov was able to repeat the process until the dog became accustomed to hearing the sound of the bell, and ultimately when the dog heard the bell ring, it would begin to salivate as it had learned to associate the sound of the bell with food, and food resulted in its salivation

How was pavlov able to get dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell?

Pavlov paired the ringing of a bell with the presentation of food to the dogs, causing them to associate the bell with the imminent arrival of food. Through repeated pairings, the dogs learned to salivate at the sound of the bell alone, even in the absence of food. This process is known as classical conditioning.

What is the job of the tongue?

to salivate

In pavlov's experiment on the salivary conditioning of dog the US (unconditioned stimulus)?

In Pavlov's experiment, the unconditioned stimulus (US) was the food that naturally triggers the dog's salivation reflex. This means that the food automatically causes the dog to salivate without any conditioning.

How can you use the word salivate in a sentence?

salivate= to produce salivaHe's been salivating over the latest model sports car for a while now.

What organ of the body are involved when you salivate?
