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because it gives you energy. I mean it

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Q: How does water keep you cool?
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Related questions

How do you keep water cool?

we can keep water cool by kept it in a insulater and in a water cooler which have a special layer made by any insulater

How does water keep cool?

water keeps cool by putting icepacks beside it.

How do pharaohs keep cool?

with water and fanning

How can I keep water cool?

cover it with an aluminum foil

What is water pump in Auto Mobile?

A water pump in an automobile has one major use. That is to pump water throughout your entire engine to keep it cool. If you do not keep your engine cool you will mess it up.

How does an elephant keep cool?

They collect water in their trunks and spray it ton their back. Sometimes they will go in the water to stay cool.

Why do elephants squrt water?

An Elephant swirts water to keep itself cool

How does a newt keep its body cool?

by going in the shade or in water

How did dinosaurs keep cool?

they would lay down in water

How do hippopotamuses spend most of their day?

in water to keep cool

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How does Bear Grylls keep cool?

by drinking loads of water