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The larger their ear is, the more heat will escape their body and they'll become cooler. A desert fox lives in hot climates, so it has large ears. An Arctic fox has small ears, so it would have less heat escaping its body.

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15y ago

There are blood vessels in the ears that help maintain body temperature and the bigger the ear the more surface area it has to work with in order to regulate the temperature.

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the larger the size of a fox's ear, the more body heat will escape from the fox. The smaller the fox's ear, the warmer the fox's body will be.

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12y ago

It stays in its own type of weather that the red fox likes.

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Q: How does the size of a fox's ear help it maintain body temperature?
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No it doesnt. Such a stupid question in the first place. You're an idiot if u think it does. no your the idiot..... yes it does maintain body temperature and i have my science book right in front of me to prove it

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