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Females have two lateral vaginas, which lead to separate uteruses, but both open externally through the same orifice. A third canal, the median vagina, is used for birth. This canal can be transitory or permanent.[13] The males generally have a two-pronged penis, which corresponds to the females' two vaginas.[14] The penis is used only for discharging semen into females, and there is instead a urogenital sac used to store waste before expulsion

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Female kangaroos are able to breed all year around in many areas, depending on the species. They can often be in a state of almost permanent pregnancy, with an embryo "suspended" until the mother's body is ready to release it - whether that be when another joey is sufficiently weaned, or feeding conditions have improved.

The gestation period lasts 31-36 days. Baby kangaroos are the size of a jellybean when they are born. They are born blind and hairless. A baby kangaroo is born from the female's uterus and then climbs up the outer fur of the female and into the upward facing pouch where it attaches itself to a nipple until it becomes stronger. The mother kangaroo licks a path to the pouch to help guide the joey. Baby kangaroos live in their mother's pouch and feed by drinking milk. The teat swells in the joey's mouth, securing it in place so it cannot be accidentally dislodged. The joey will usually stay in the pouch for about 6-9 months until it is developed enough to leave the pouch and move about independently.

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