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In the wild a hedgehog may try and eat some grass as fiber, but they are primarily insectivores so they have a diet of bugs and berries mostly. Domestic hedgeghogs don't need it. They get their fiber from their other food.

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Q: How does the hedgehog affect other plants and animals?
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What other animals share the hedgehogs habitat?

In their natural habitat, hedgehogs share their space with animals such as foxes, badgers, rabbits, and birds. These animals may compete for food sources or offer potential threats to hedgehogs.

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Some animals eat grasses and other plants. Other animals feed on these animals that feed on plants. Some animals are omnivores ad feed on both plants and other animals,

Animals the eat both plants and animals?

Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

Why is one animal called a hedgehog and the other porcupine?

Because they are different animals.

Hat is the organism that feeds on other plants and animals?

A carnivore is an organism that feeds on other animals, while a herbivore feeds on plants. A organism that feeds on both plants and animals is an omnivore.