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Blue Whale is a largest mammal in the earth. Its breeding process is like normal animal. The blue whale breeds in the midsummer months. Generally, males and females met on a narrow area of open ocean. After becoming pregnant, the female returns to arctic waters to feed. It takes eleven months for the calf to develop inside womb of the female. The female gives birth one calf and will not breed for another 2-3 decently the baby calf grow to venture of its own.

It is a mystery where blue whale mate. Scientists through satellite tracking found that blue whale goes to a patch of ocean off the coast of the small Central American Nation Costa Rica as their possible mating and calving ground. Of course, it is a possibility; but if it will be found correct, we can save this endangered species in future.

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8y ago
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12y ago

The gestation period is around 10 to 12 months. Females typically give birth to one calf every two to three years at the start of winter. The new born is 2.5 metric tons heavy and is around 7 meters long at birth. He drinks nearly 400 liters of milk every day and gains around 100 kilos of weight almost every day when he grows.

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11y ago

The blue whale breeds between the ages of six to 10. They travel to warmer waters between fall and early spring to mate. Not much is known about the actual breeding process of the blue whales.

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12y ago

A blue whale breeds in colder waters, but migrate to warmer areas to give birth, since their gestation period is about a year long.

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10y ago

Blue whales reproduce sexually. They do this by means of internal fertilization. Females are pregnant for about eleven months.

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13y ago

A whale reproduces as a mammal and gives birth, then the baby whale stays with the mother until it is able to be alone.

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13y ago

by doing it in the sea

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