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By not swimming towards them DURH thicko:)

also by playing dead like sharks like fresh food so if they play dead the sharks wont want to eat it because it not fresh !


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Q: How does the Pink Dolphin avoid his predators?
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What are two predators of the pink dolphin?

Black caimans and green anacondas can eat pink river dolphins. But the dolphin is far too agile and too fast for them to catch.

What are the blue dolphins natural predators?

The Pink River Dolphin has no "Natural" enemies, like sharks, etc. It's only enemy is Man and man's pollution and destruction of it's environment. Yes it is, but the only reason for is because they pollute their oceans and like to fish for them to kill them. They should let Amazon River Dolphins be and that's the way I feel about it the pink river dolphin does have natural enimies it is the shark the way i know is that i am making a report on that animal

What is the weirdest dolphin?

The amazon pink river dolphin it's really pink

What part of the sea does the pink dolphin live in?

The pink dolphin is actually a freshwater dolphin, and lives in the Amazon River.

How does a dolphin stay away from pray?

A dolphin is able to swim fast to get away from predators. They are also able to hear very well and can use this skill to avoid being preyed upon.

Is the pink dolphin the same as the Chinese river dolphin?

No, The Chinese dolphin is its own kind. The pink dolphin is a Albino dolphin thus being very pale comming off as a baby pink, and having red eyes.

What is the color of a pink dolphin?


Is River dolphin and pink dolphin the same?


How long can a pink river dolphin get?

A pink dolphin can get up to 4 ft. 9".

Is Amazon River dolphin and the pink Amazon River dolphin the same?

Yes the amazon river dolphin and the pink amazon river dolphin the same just because one is pink doesn't mean anything.

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Where is the pink dolphin located in the food chain?

No where it does not exist. The Legen....dary Pink Dolphin does not exist.