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Q: How does sam gribley prepare the deer hide so he can make the things he needs from it?
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Foods that the Amerindians prepare?

1deer 2get the meet of the deer. 3boil the deer meat 4ymmmmmmmmmmm 1deer 2get the meet of the deer. 3boil the deer meat 4ymmmmmmmmmmm

Why do deer need plants?

deer needs plant to eat .

What type of foods does sam gribley eat?

Well, it mentions earlier in the story that Sam eats acorn pancakes and Turtle soup. He might also eat deer and rabbits, and venison. Check the first chapter for more info.

Who needs wolves?

deer, moose, elk

Is a hide of the deer the same as skin of a deer?

Yes they are the same things.

Needs of a deer?

Water, Air, herbs,a habitat and other deers.

What is the difference between deer and bug?

A deer is an animal and a bug is an insect , so two different things

How does a redwood tree help a deer to live?

In a sense yes, but not necessarily, see a tree produces oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. A deer takes in oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. So a tree, for instance a redwood, can provide oxygen that the deer needs in order to survive, and the deer produces carbon dioxide that a tree needs to survive.

What things are sacred to Artemis?

The deer and the cypress tree.

Where can one purchase stags or deer?

The best place to purchase stags or deer would be from the deer industry in New Zealand and they have a world wide commercial role and can guide the buyer directly to their needs.

Does the whitetail deer prefer to live in the woods?

a whitetail deer would prefer living in the woods,a deer is STILL a wild animal no matter what environment it is in,deer are somewhat social animals they need to be around the same species as themselves,the deer needs exersise that captivity may not be able to provide,it would find all its natural needs in the woods so to directly answer your question yes i deer would prefer to live in the woods i hope ive helped! ~Agashe ' )

Do deer have a cyclic behavior?

Yes, deer do have cyclic behavior but it varies a bit depending on the type of deer. Deer have cyclic behaviors when it comes to things like mating, sleeping, shedding antlers, etc.