Dog hair typically exhibits a medullary index scale pattern, which means that the scales are small and spaced close together along the shaft. This scale pattern helps to protect the hair shaft and provides insulation for the dog's fur.
You cannot make dog hair. You must obtain dog hair from a dog.
A dog's hair and fur protect it from cold in the winter, and from the hot sun and warm weather in the summer. This works OK for a dog, since they do not sweat like humans to lose heat. A dog's coat should be neatly trimmed for appearance, but not cut very much shorter. Heavy brushing in the Spring and in Fall is good to clean out dead or dying hair.
You have hair to protect your head.
No. "Hair of the Dog" was sung by Nazareth.
A dog mole with hair growing is a type of skin growth that includes hair, while a typical mole on a dog's skin does not have hair.
A dog loses its hair on multiple seasons.
Hair of the Dog - film - was created in 1962.
Protect, balance your hair and it improves it
Dog fur, despite the theory of Papa John McHugh. Dog Fur sheds and Dog Hair does not.
They fight.
The technical term for dog hair is "fur" or "coat."