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Q: How does black panthers maintain its body temprerature?
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Why did people kill black panthers?

Black panthers are not extinct yet but they are endangered.

Are black panthers ears small or large?

Black panthers have smaller ears relative to their body size compared to other big cat species. This adaptation helps them to navigate through dense vegetation and hunt stealthily.

Do black panthers like to eat humans?

It depends on haow despreat they are and how long they havent aten

How many bones in a panthers body?

Panthers have about 250 bones in their body, including the bones in their spine, limbs, ribs, and skull. These bones provide structure, support, and protection for the panther's body.

Are panthers faster than lions?

no because a panther isn't really that strong but a lion is very strong. A lion is stronger then a panther because lets not forget a lion has a strong big body, strong paws, strong long teeth that reach up to 8 cm long, and its punches are very very very very very very very strong and they hurt a lot so it can probably knock out a panther in 2 punches!! and a TIGER!!! Probably a Lion but do not get it wrong, panthers or black panthers are extremely strong. Black Panthers have long and powerful legs, which they use to climb trees. When they are close enough to their prey, they grab their victim by the throat, or sometimes just simply slap them hard enough on the head, breaking the skull. Black Panthers can also catch fish in the streams with their powerful paws.

How does a white tiger maintain its body temperature?

they maintain body temperature by sleeping during the day and hunt at night

Why you do shiver when you are wet?

Shivering when wet is the body's attempt to maintain body heat. A wet body loses heat quickly. Failing to maintain body heat will result in hypothermia.

How does the body's systems work together to maintain balance?

Well your body works to maintain homeostasis (which is balance) so for example if there is to much glucose in your blood then your body will produce insulin to love sugar level and maintain homeostasis its a natural body function

Is the black African rhinoceros ectothermic or endothermic?

A black rhino is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

How do falcons maintain its body temperature?

by sleeping during the day and hunt at nightnoMajority of the cold-blooded animals maintain their body temperature by exposing their body to the sun

How do lions maintain body temperature?

In the same way that all mammals maintain their body heat - by burning calories digested from their food.

What help the body maintain homeostasis?

Temperature regulation in the body is maintained but the brain stem. They hypothalamus of the brain controls hydration in the body. Both help maintain homeostasis.