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Elephants are herbivores.

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Elephants are herbivores.

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Elephants are herbivores.

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Q: How does an elephant obtain energy is it a producer a consumer a carnivore a herbivore an omnivore or a scavenger?
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Are elephant carnivore or herbivore or omnivore?

The African elephant is an herbivore.

Is a Indian elephant a carnivore-herbivore or omnivore?

An African elephant is a herbivore.

Is an elephant a carnivore or a herbivore an omnivore?

An herbivore. It eats only plants.

Is an elephant an herbivore an omnivore or a carnivore?

An herbivore. It eats only plants.

What s Asian elephant carnivore omnivore or herbivore?

All elephants are herbivores.

What is a elephant a herbivore omnivore carnivore?

The elephant is a herbivore.

Is a elephant seal a carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

Sea lions belong to the order carnivora. They are carnivores.

What type of consumer is an African Elephant?

An African Elephant is a herbivore consumer, as it feeds primarily on plants and vegetation. It is also considered a primary consumer in the food chain, as it eats producers like grasses and trees.

Is an African elephant a carnivore or a vegitaren?

An African Elephant is a Herbivore which is different to a vegitarian because a vegitarian is choosing to not eat meat whereas Elaphants have grown up this way and don't really choose. I hope this helps

Is a zebra a prey to the elephant?

No, because a elephant is a herbivore.

Is elephant a herbivorous?

yes an elephant is a herbivore

Is an elephant is omnivore?

An herbivore is an animal that strictly eats plants, an omnivore eats some plants and some meat, and a carnivore eats strictly meat. An elephant only eats plants. Thus, elephants are herbivores. Humans would be an example of an omnivore, and lions are an example of a carnivore.