

Best Answer

With the desire to stop.

Find a support group; there are many, AA is the most famous

Most alcoholics recognize that they aren't cured, they just haven't had a

drink in XXX days. You go one day at a time.

Seek help, look in the white pages of the phone book, and call now.

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Q: How does an alcoholic stop drinking?
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Related questions

What is the first step in treating an alcoholic?

Get the alcoholic to stop drinking.

What is the first thing that a recorvering alcoholic must do?

Stop drinking alcohol

What did not happen during prohibition in the 1920s?

People did not stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Why does an alcoholic keep drinking when it makes them sick and they know they should stop?

they become addicted and they cant stop

What is meant by the expression go on the wagon?

"Going on the wagon" means to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Is Trey Songz an alcoholic?

No not at all. Like most 26 year old men trey enjoys drinking alcoholic beverages but by no mean does he not have control of himself. He knows when to stop drinking. ,Ajayah Neverson

Can a long term alcoholic die of alcohol toxicity?

Yes, if the person overdoses. Long term alcoholics need to either stop drinking or moderate their drinking.

Does the family need treatment when an alcoholic goes into rehab?

Yes. Alcoholism is a family disease because everyone in the family is affected in some way by the actions of the alcoholic. Children may feel responsible because in their immature minds, they believe if they were better children, the alcoholic would not drink. Spouses may inadvertently promote the drinking without understanding how they could be doing it. Also, when an alcoholic goes into treatment the only thing that changes is the alcoholic. If the family dynamics don't change, the alcoholic is returning to the same toxic environment. While the family is not the cause of the drinking, a slippery slope exists giving the alcoholic an "excuse" to go back to drinking. It is important for the family to remember that they did not cause the alcoholic to drink, they cannot control the drinking and they cannot stop the alcoholic from drinking.

Is alcohol social?

Alcoholic drinking is not social drinking.

Your bofriend 58 is a chronic alcoholic he has been in tretment several times im an alcoholic also ive relapsed 5 times in 10 years?

Just stop drinking. Don't buy it anymore. Attend rehabilitation classes. Do something that you love (not drinking). This will keep you away from drinking. After a while, you won't want the taste of alcohol anymore. Never think about it. Eat another food that you like, even if it is fattening, its healthier than alcohol. Just think- I will stop drinking, or I will die. I will lose everyone I love. Stop drinking.

Who outlawed the making or drinking alcoholic beverages?

outlawed the making or drinking of alcoholic beverages

What is the difference between an alcoholic and a non-alcoholic?

An alcoholic has a dependence on alcohol, experiencing physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when they do not drink. A non-alcoholic does not have this dependence and can drink alcohol socially without experiencing negative consequences.