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Tigers are solitary mammals that live alone. When a Tigress is in heat, she leaves scent markings on the areas she roams. Usually the territory of a Male Tiger includes the territories of multile female tigers and hence when the male tiger goes around his territory he would be able to smell the tigress and would be able to track her down.

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14y ago
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10y ago

All tigers attract mates mainly through vocal roaring and scent marking.

If you talking about a tiger zodiac, here's your answer :

The tiger is BEST MATCH with a cat/rabbit zodiac out of the BEST MATCHES. The reason for this is that the cat has relationship to the tiger. They are both in the feline family. So, they understand each other. As, the cat is a yin, it is probably the only animal that is related to the tiger that is a yin to the tiger's yang. So, whatever one lacks, the other makes up for it. So, if the tiger need moderation in his life, the cat can give that to him. If the cat needs confident, the tiger that help him or her with that. A great example of a marriage between a cat and a tiger is Victoria Beckham - Tiger - Ex Spice Girl and David Beckham - Cat - world famous UK soccer player, they are in their first marriage and they are still going strong and blessed with many kids. They have the yin yang, which is the balance and harmony. The yin yang is what makes them stay together. The cat is an aunt to the tiger, like a mother and a child, so the tiger has respect for the cat. The tiger will not devour his or her auntie, will not have arguments or conflicts with the cat. An example is, Angelina Jolie - cat and Megan Fox - tiger. Angie complained about the part of Lara Croft being offered to Ms. Fox. She disagreed that Ms. Fox can not play the part of Ms. Croft because she did not have the same class and style to play this character. Ms. Fox when offered the part, refused the role. Also, Ms. Jolie married Mr. Pitt and his Chinese Zodiac is a cat. This shows that the Chinese zodiac exist. The tiger is NOT best matched with a horse because there will be competition between the two and arguments. An example is Tom Cruise - tiger and Katie Holmes - horse, after the birth of their daughter, Katie filed for divorce. There's also Demi Moore and Ashton K., also divorced. The tiger is not best matched with a pig because tigers are meat eater or pork eaters, so there will be big problems that arises in the relations, even if there is a yin yang. Also, the dog is an okay match for the tiger,but still not the best because the dog will not understand the tiger completely like the cat because they are not in the same family as the tiger. There still will be problems in the relationship, even if there is a yin yang. Also, it is a BIG NO-NO for two tiger to be together, the reason for this is that tigers have big jaws and they bite one another. Remember 2 yang don't make a right. Also, if there are two tigers in the house, one must go. An example is Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimiggio, both are tigers, divorced, and Marilyn died a sudden death. Also, Angelina Jolie's parents, both are tiger, divorced, and one died, her mother from cancer. All other animals can be married to their same sign. It's okay, but not good because 2 yangs and 2 yins will have some conflict but it's like saying a 24 hour day is like a 24 hour night. No one can sleep a 24 hour night and be balanced. It has to be a 12 hour day -YIN and a 12 hour night-YANG for a 24 hour balance and harmony. Now that is health. I guess that is why Angie has the cancer's gene, but she will not die from cancer like her mother. It's always best to marry an animal that is not the same zodiac from you, if you can help it. This would explain why the majority of tiger men and women are divorced or still single. An example is Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCapprio, Derek Jeter, Lindsee Lohan, and Demi Moore to name a few. Tigers for matches should be in incompatible for each other because it has been proven in history, that there has been a very, very slim chance that it will work out, but then, why take the chance, when you can take the safe road? I guess that why on the Chinese zodiac order of animals, the cat/rabbit follows right behind the tiger. Opposite attracts and like follow likes:-) I guess that why Angie has a lot of male friends compared to female friends. The reason for this is that there are more yangs then yins. She could not marry Brad Pitt right away because she could not find any woman to be her brides maid. Women were jealous at all the attention that she was getting from all the yangs. (which are mainly all men-including a lot of divorced and single tiger men- So Brad, watch out !) ;-)

Also, if you male tigers marry or even get together with a female tiger, they specialize in cutting of the male gentials.

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15y ago

All tigers, including the Bengal tiger attract mates mainly through vocal roaring and scent marking.

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11y ago

FIRST THE TIGER ROARS TO GET THE FEMALES ATTENTION THEN IF THERE'S ANOTHER Male fighting for the female, they will fight until one gives up. Then they are happy.

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