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That ghastly spray is the skunk's best defense and, boy, does it work! No creature, human, or beast, can stand being near a skunk with that odor. It comes from a fluid called musk which is produced and stored in a pair of glands under the animal's tail. A skunk can propel the spray about 10 feet!

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14y ago
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15y ago

the black and white-striped skunk turns around and raises its tail at you, it is taking on a deffensive position and you should flee immediately. The terible odour that skunks spray comes from their anal scent glands, which they use to ward of percieved dangerous animals,Skunks have four anal glands, two on each side of their anus that produce a mixture of chemicals containig sulfur. Skunks are able to spray up to fifteen feet away.

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11y ago

it is from a special sac they use when they feel threatened

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11y ago

you cant without a skunk but you can make some other really horrible smells

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10y ago

A skunk's smell naturally isn't produced by anything, as a skunk doesn't smell of anything whatsoever, however, anything it does attack will end up with the smell that is largely disgraced.

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What animal produces a terrible ordor?

The skunk, when alarmed, will produce a terrible odor!

What animals uses its odor as a defense?

Skunks use their strong-smelling spray as a defense mechanism against predators. When threatened, skunks can release a noxious spray from their anal glands that can deter potential attackers with its foul odor.

Why do you have to take a bath in tomato juice to get rid of skunk smell?

The acid in the tomato juice neutralizes the chemicals used to produce the odor by the skunk's butt!

The skunk has defens itself with fluid that has a really bad what?

Odor. The scent glands can produce a foul and extremely irritating fluid that the skunk can use to defend itself. Highlight and double click on odor to get the definition.

Does skunk odor kill?


What to use to get rid of skunk odor on skin?

well this is one reason not how to get rid of skunk odor: tomato juice ( unless you want to ). you only think it works because when you smell it up close you can't smell the odor of the skunk anymore. but i think to get rid of skunk odor is to take a bath in SOAP! and LOTS of it!

Where can you get skunk odor?

Skunk quill is pure oil from a skunk farm, quite expensive, but there are artificial options as well.

What animal uses odor as its weapon?


What do you get when you cross a lawyer and a skunk?

Law and Odor

Is a skunk producing odor physical or chemical change?

The skunk producing odor is a chemical change because it involves a reaction within the skunk's body that results in the release of specific compounds that create the distinctive smell. This process alters the chemical composition of the skunk's secretion, leading to the odor being produced.

If you described a skunk as mephitic. W hat would you be describing?

You would be describing the skunk's odor.

Can skunk oder be transferred after it dries?

If you don't rub the dead skunk on you, then no the odor can't be transferred.