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It wiggles around until it hits the female's belly, then the pup follows the mom's silhouette until they bump into a nipple. Sometimes the female needs to pick up the puppy and redirect it. Active and responsible breeders may help by also redirecting the pup.

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Q: How does a puppy find its moms nipple?
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One can find movies that contain naked moms on a number of websites. They are available on 'Nude Hot Moms' and 'Naked Mature Moms'. The sites should not be seen by children.

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Well, they are supposed to feed on the moms nipples, which they suck and get milk from. but you can bottle feed them, like a baby.

Where can one find pictures of hot moms?

There are many places to find pictures of hot moms. Some places include Hot Moms Pics, Nude Hot Moms and Nu mamas. Also, many moms place hot pictures of themselves on facebook or twitter.