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The medium dog jumps on the man and bites his arm to hold on him, until the man suffocates.

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Q: How does a medium dog kill a man?
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Can people kill a dog bare-handed?

Yes, it can be done.A strong man with good strength can kill a medium sized dog with bare arms, but not a large sized dog.

How many dogs does it take to kill a fully grown man?

One medium sized dog can take down a fully-grown man.

Is it possible for an unarmed man to defeat a large and aggressive dog?

A large unarmed man with a bad temper and strength can kill a large, aggressive dog, no matter what breed. A medium or a small man with good enough strength and defense might be able to kill the large, agressive dog, but will have a high chance of being killed first.

Can a human outrun a pitbull?

Yes. Any sized man with a serious temper and a sharp knife could kill a dog if he attacked it and avoided the dog's jaws. A calm man with a gun like a kimber could also kill a dog by shooting it to death, but if the dog is near the man, it would kill the man first. With strength and anger, the man might have a chance to kill a dog barehanded depending on the dog's size and breed.

When dogs have worms and humans catch it can it kill the human?

No a man or woman can not get worms from a dog. If you dog gets worm tell your vet.

Can a Doberman kill a man?

A single dog of any size can kill a sleeping person A large dog can kill any human alive A pack of sled dogs as used in the Canadian Arctic can kill and eat a human in less than 3 minutes.

Is medium a noun?

Depends on the conext. Medium (like a pshycic) is a noun. Medium, as in small, medium large, is merely an adjective, a word that describes a noun. "Was he a big man? A small man? A medium man?"

Who would win in a fight between a woman and a dog?

This depends on the strength and health of the woman and the size and strength of the dog. A small woman could not kill a large or medium sized dog without a weapon, but it could kill a small dog. A large woman fighting a large dog would have a chance to win depending on the breed of the dog. If the large woman killed the large dog, she would get a lot of injuries from the dog. An averaged sized dog can take down a woman, but a large dog is stronger than an averaged sized dog. If the woman had a weapon like a knife or a big stick, then she could kill the dog.

Who would win in a fight between a man and 3 vicious dogs?

It depends on the size and breed of the vicious dog, and the size, weight, speed, and strength of the man. 3 vicious dogs are stronger than one vicious dog, and one vicious dog of averaged sized is enough to kill a man. A man will not beat 3 vicious dogs since the dogs will bring down the hopeless man by biting force and body weights. Even if the man had a knife or a club, the man will still not beat the dogs when the dogs will attack together. If the man had a a rifle, then he can definitely take down the dogs.Another Answer3 medium dogs or 3 large dogs would beat a man, even if the man had a knife or a club.

What do African wild dog do?

they eat meat.they will hunt and kill medium sizes animals such as Gazelles, Wildebeest and Impala. Some will kill Zebra and Warthogs and even Ostriches. Large packs will attack Buffalo and Eland

Can a Blue Pitbull Kill A Dog?

Any dog can kill any other dog.

Who would win a large man or two bad guys?

The case depends on the size of the bad guys. Two medium sized bad guys can kill a large man barehanded.