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Horses are hoofed mammals that have 24 teeth specially adapted for chewing their favorite foods. But what are these favorite foods? What do horses eat? This post will answer that question, and also look at some interesting facts about horses.

What do Horses Eat?

Horses love to eat grass and plant materials. They eat what are known as legumes. The best known legumes are peas, beans, peanuts, lentils, alfalfa and carob. Horse owners usually feed their horses a mixture of grass and legumes which is called hay. Some owners feed horses oats and corn (maize). Horses also enjoy eating fruit, especially apples. Carrots are also given to some horses as a treat. Horses also need a high amount of salt in their diets, because they drink a lot of water. Owners usually leave a pile of salt (sometimes called a salt lick) that horses will lick during the day.

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They suck the water into there mouth.

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11y ago

it use's its teeth to eat and drink

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You can..but once you have the bit in do not let it eat or drink could choke.

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Not hungry/not thirsty.

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What food does mustang hores eat?

Anything that a normal horse would eat like grass and hay and drink water

How much can horses drink at one time?

Given an abundant water supply, a horse will drink water until it has satisfied its thirst. This will vary widely, depending on many variables. The temp. of the water, the temp. of the air, before exercise, during exercise, after exercise, etc. How much hay will a horse eat at one session? How much sweet feed will a horse eat?

If a horse doesn't eat or drink and it lyes down it has?

Most likely colic, and since this is life-threatening, call your vet.

When your horse does not eat or drink looks at it side paws the ground often tries to lay down?

it may be pregnant but I'm no horse expert so I'm just guessing ; )