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A: your dog eats a fertilized parasite egg (from poop) B: your dog gets bitten by a mosquito or such C: your dog steps in poop D: other

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Q: How does a dog get parisites?
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Do parisites have legs?

Some do, for example, lice and fleas.

Are parisites on top of the Food Chain?

If thay arnt than what is?

When do i de-worm my 10 week old German shepherd?

First you need to determine if your dog has worms or not. Take a fresh fecal sample in to your vet and they can check for the presence of any parisites and then give you some medication to de-worm your dog against the type of worms he/she has.

Why do parisites live in dogs?

its just they where tought like us when we eat

What are the intestinal risks to your dog of eating cat poop?

Bacterial infection and parisites are the two most common risks. Dogs under certain circumstances eat feces for various reasons. In-of-itself, it isn't harmful but the bacteria and parisites that could be in the feces could pose a problem. The most signifcant risk though is the cat litter itself. The clumping cat litter can contain perfumes and deoderizers and chemical agents that can make a dog sick and, given a large enough quantity of cat litter, pose a bowel obstruction risk.

What bugs does a chicken eat?

beetles and ladybug and other parisites like worms

What do you do for parisites in your aquarium?

It depends what type they are, you need to identify them and get a treatment from your pet store.

How does a parasite affect a host?

Parisites feed on an animal or a living organism. It can latch onto it's prey or live inside. A parisite can eventually kill it's host. Most common places to find parisites are in the stomach or in the heart area.

How does a parasite affect its host?

Parisites feed on an animal or a living organism. It can latch onto it's prey or live inside. A parisite can eventually kill it's host. Most common places to find parisites are in the stomach or in the heart area.

Can hay kill gerbils?

No it's actually good for them, but you have to buy the hay, because normal hay might have parisites in them.

What do you do if a new born puppy poops red and has an infection?

you need to take the them to the vet right away they could have parisites and its dangerous