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they breathe in through the nose and mouth, the oxygen goes into the lungs, and the carbohydrate goes out when the panther exhales.
usually a panther will eat herbivores and drink from lakes and streams. the panther will stay in trees resulting in exercise. it uses oxygen to break down food. it uses lungs to get oxygen. also, look up Nyan cat on YouTube

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8y ago
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6y ago

All leopards are mammals. They Breathe air with lungs, through mouth and nostrils.

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6y ago

Leopard frogs breath through their skin.

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14y ago

through there nose

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Q: How does a black leopard breathe?
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If a leopard or a jaguar is black what is it often called?

A black leopard or jaguar is often called a panther.

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Like all mammals, they breathe through their lungs, and do not have gills.

Does a spotted leopard change into a black panther?

Black panthers are either a melanistic (black) jaguar or a melanistic leopard. It is a rare recessive genetic trait. A leopard is usually born spotted and cannot change to a black leopard and a black leopard cannot change to a spotted leopard. Genetics at fertilization determines the color.

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Clouded leopards Breathe with lungs, through their nose and mouth. Very much like you and I.

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If a leopard or jaguar is black what is it often called?

A black leopard or jaguar is often called a panther.

Which part of Africa is native to the Black Leopard?

The black leopard is a native of the African country that is Kenya.

Do black panthers only breed with other black panthers?

No. A black panther is the melanistic (black) "version" of a jaguar or leopard. A black jaguar will mate with a normally colored jaguar just as a black leopard will mate with a normally colored leopard.

What is another term for a black leopard?

A leopard is sometimes called a "panther" but its usually black leopards are called panthers. A "panther" or black leopard and a ordinary coloured leopard are the same species but black panther/black leopard have more melanin so they are much much darker but in good light the spots are still visible. AnswerAlso Known as ingwe, or chui depending on where in Africa you are. they can also be called panthers which is just the other name for a leopard and jaguar

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What does the black panther stand for?

That it is black jaguar or leopard.

What is the alternative common name for a black leopard?

Melanistic (black) leopards as well as melanistic jaguars are collectively known as black panthers.