The method ov vaccinating a dog or cat is not difficult. Vaccinating pets should be done by a veterinarian. Therei is more to vaccination than just giving a shot. Most veterinarians vaccinate pets based on risk of disease. All pets do not need the same vaccinations. When your vet vaccinates your pet you can be assured that the producs he is using are safe and effective, They have been shipped and stored properly and are current in date. When you purchase vaccinations elsewhere there is no guarantee that they have been shipped and stored properly. Also you may be vaccinating for diseases that your pet is not at risk for and visa versa. Also if your pet should have a reaction to a vaccination your veterinarian is on hand to manage it. Rabies vaccinations are only legally gien by a licensed veterinarian. Make sure first you have the proper vaccinations and they have not be compromised in any way. Vaccinations prior to applying must be kept refridgerated. You can purchase vaccinations from your local feed store or pet store. It is possible they can advise you as to the application, if not, contact your vet.
There are loads of commands you can teach your dog such as sit, paw, fetch, lie down, walkies, beg, high-five, rollover, jump, get down, wait and many more.
Here are some ways to train your dog certain commands to understand the concept. Treats are a great help.
If you would like your dog to sit for example, hold a treat above your dogs nose and they will sit. Say the command you would like your dog to do and give the treat.
If you would like your dog to lie down, it is easier to get your the dog in the sit position and put the treat on the floor when you dog lies give the treat and say the command.
If you want your dog to know the command walkies you cannot do anything other than every time your going on walkies just say the command and then after awhile your dog will associate the two together.
These are just a handful of commands you can teach your dog.
You should always remember never to get annoyed if your dog cannot do the command as your dog tries his/her best to please you. Lots of treats and praise equals a happy dog, happy dog equals happy learning, happy learning equals pleased owner.
Training should be fun for both you and your dog. Never over do the training as your dog will get bored. ALWAYS finish on a good note, you don't want to train your dog to be naughty so if your dog gets bored and ignores you your dog will understand she/he has ignored you and think this behaviour is acceptable.
Protecting dog - the messenger of god is holy services to humnaity vaccinate your dogs ---------- rabies protect yourself and your caring dog
You can vaccinate the mother. The babies need to be at least 4 monhts old before their immune system can handle a Rabies vaccine. Do not vaccinate a pregnant animal with Rabies. It can affect the unborns.
Vaccinate is the correct spelling.
hghahahahahahahhha vaccinate
In the UK the dog licence was abolished in 1987. No licence is required for dogs as pets. A veterinarian will vaccinate a dog for a fee. Their fees vary.
To vaccinate them from various disesases as well as protect people from getting rabies and such from being scratched or bitten from them.
u must vaccinate your cat
You family physician may vaccinate you for rabies.
4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 weeks of age and then every year. Ask your vet.
You usually do not have to vaccinate at all after a rat bite.
After 18 months without vaccination, your dog will be susceptible to contracting rabies. Vaccinate every 12 months.